International Dance Teachers Association.

‘Teaching The World To Dance’


It may be that you only want to dance as a social hobby or you may wish to develop you interest further.
Our classes are structured to allow pupils, if they wish, to take regular examinations with the International Dance Teachers Association. The IDTA is an OFQUAL awarding body so the Graded examinations they offer are approved and monitored by OFQUAL. (for more information about graded examinations see ‘Graded Examinations….The Definitive Guide’)
Exams are a measure of your technical ability, presentation and musical awareness and are an ideal way to encourage map your progress in your chosen dance style.
Exams are not compulsory, but very popular with students. Most of our students take them and enjoy the sense of achievement and progression they bring.
We have a 100% pass rate with many achieving Distinctions.

Our Class Structure

Specially designed classes to introduce dance, music and movement to toddlers. The Baby classes are available in Gymnastic Dance, Ballet, Disco and Melody Movement. We focus on developing coordination, control and rhythm by learning through play in an encouraging environment.