Customer Guide to Covid Safety @ Sandham’s Dance
As the business rebuilds after lockdown and customers return to classes and lessons. Sandham’s Dance will ensure their safety by making premises “COVID-19” secure, as unsafe practice raises the risks of virus transmission.
All staff have been trained in Covid-19 safety procedures and will follow the “ Staff Safety Code” at all times when on site and teaching classes or lessons.
When you visit the studio for the first time you will see that we have positioned new signage throughout the building and floor marking in the studios. The signs will help you to keep 2m from other pupils and teachers.
General Safety
Entry and Exit
There will be a one way system in place for entry and exit into the building to avoid unnecessary close contact. Entry to the building will be by the front door on Peel Street and exit by the rear door onto the car park on Darley Street.
Please feel free to park on the car park and walk around to Peel Street. Children can be collected from the car park 5 minutes after a class or lesson.
Special arrangements will be made for collecting younger children and details will be given to the individual class prior to re-opening.
2. Registration & Check-In
In the same way as restaurants/pubs we are required to have a check-in
system in place to record who was in the building and at what time
they arrived and for how long and what purpose.
Government officials can request this information on demand in the event
they need to urgently trace people who could have been infected by a
person having the virus.
Our system for children’s classes will be to use our class registers taken at the start of a class. Any non class members ie: parents, accompanying adults, siblings that enter the building must text “in” to sandhams registration phone 07562 458146 via What’s App. Please put this contact number in your phone and make sure you have What’s App on your phone. Do not text to any other number as your presence in the building will not be recorded.
For Adult classes any person entering the building must text “in” and the first time attending their name via What’s App to - 07562458146 . When you leave text “out” to the same number.
If you have pre booked for a Social Dance you just need to scan your ticket on arrival .
3. Reducing the Numbers on Site.
To reduce risk we need to keep the numbers inside the building as low as possible.
Pupils must leave the building as soon as possible after the end of a class to vacate the building for the next group which will be due 15 minutes later.
Please only enter the building 5 minutes before your class to give the staff time to clean the premises after the previous class have left.
On arrival please go directly to the studio your class is being held in as it will be empty and have been cleaned.
Only one adult may accompany a child into the building. Please then exit as soon as possible and return ti collect your child 5 minutes before the class or lesson is due to finish.
4. Health and Safety
Everyone must use the hand sanitiser from the wall dispenser on entry to and exit from the building. There will be additional dispensers and bottles distributed around the building.
Wash or sanitise hands regularly
Observe the social distancing recommendations
If you feel unwell and have any symptoms of Covid-19 please do not enter the building
If you develop symptoms of Covid-19 whilst in the building please advise a teacher and arrange to go home immediately. If you subsequently prove positive for the virus please advise us immediately.
It is important that you don’t leave any personal items in the studio on your departure
5. Children’s Safety
Please drop your child off via the front doors and collect them from the car park at the end of the class. Parents with young children will need to accompany them into the building or for the mini classes ( 2 & 3 yrs) stay in the class. If you need to do this please socially distance from other parents and children sanitise your hands on entry. Special collection arrangements for younger classes will be communicated to each individual class.
The changing room will be closed for the near future and so please attend the studio dressed for your class except for your dance shoes
Please only bring water to classes , no food or fizzy drinks. Any water bottles left after a class will be binned for safety reasons
Strict social distancing will be in place at all classes and all pupils must follow the teachers instructions with regard to social distancing and stand the designated positions on the floor.
All floors will be marked to indicate the safe social distance to be maintained between dancers.
No pupils will be allowed to dance with a partner or be asked to participate in group dances where contact is required.
6. Adult Tuition Safety
Adult classes will be staggered to give time to clean before the next group arrive
Adults may dance in couples but only with a member of their household or regular partner. There will be no changing partners during classes.
Teachers will keep a social distance of 2m from pupils.
Starting points will be marked on the floor to maintain social distancing
Music will be played at a volume to avoid the need to talk in a raised voice
Social Evenings will be initially limited to 11 couples with tables spaced 2m apart. Dancing will be decided into “heats” of 5 or 6 couples depending on the nature of the dance. Booking and payment will be in advance only via the website.
Private lessons will be conducted at a safe social distance.
7.Payment for Lessons and Classes
To avoid unnecessary contact and increase the risk of spreading the Covid -19 virus
No cash payment will be taken on site
To avoid congestion at reception a system of advance payment will be in operation where possible. Details will be given in advance to each group of pupils.
Depending on the class type, payment methods will be :
Contactless Card
In advance through the web site
Direct Debit
Bank Transfer
No cash payments will be taken unless its the correct amount , no change will be given.
All private lessons should be paid at the start of a lesson with contactless debit or credit card. One adult may enter the building with a child having a private lesson, but must then exit the building and collect their child 5 minutes before the lesson ends.
8. Air Circulation
It is policy to keep a good circulation of air through the studios in line with government recommendations. In the upstairs studios the windows will be open and fans placed on reverse to guide air upwards to gently refresh the air in the room
The main downstairs room has a fresh air system drawing air from outside and expelling it on the opposite side of the building. This will be in operation during classes
For security reasons and entry control the front and back doors will remain closed
9. Toilets.
The will be a maximum occupancy limit of one person in the gents toilet and two people in the upstairs Ladies toilets. A waiting point will be marked outside the toilets.
Any concerns or questions you have regarding our safety procedures please do not hesitate to contact Michael Sandham on Mobile : 07801 719717 or email
We feel that working together we can keep our pupils and staff safe and still maintain our high standards of tuition.
You can follow us on Facebook @sandhamsdancetuition or Instagram @sandhamsdance dance to keep up to date.
Customer Guide to Covid Safety @ Sandham’s Dance
As the business rebuilds after lockdown and customers return to classes and lessons. Sandham’s Dance will ensure their safety by making premises “COVID-19” secure, as unsafe practice raises the risks of virus transmission.
All staff have been trained in Covid-19 safety procedures and will follow the “ Staff Safety Code” at all times when on site and teaching classes or lessons.
When you visit the studio for the first time you will see that we have positioned new signage throughout the building and floor marking in the studios. The signs will help you to keep 2m from other pupils and teachers.
General Safety
- Entry and Exit
There will be a one way system in place for entry and exit into the building to avoid unnecessary close contact. Entry to the building will be by the front door on Peel Street and exit by the rear door onto the car park on Darley Street.
Please feel free to park on the car park and walk around to Peel Street. Children can be collected from the car park 5 minutes after a class or lesson.
Special arrangements will be made for collecting younger children and details will be given to the individual class prior to re-opening.
2. Registration & Check-In
In the same way as restaurants/pubs we are required to have a check-in
system in place to record who was in the building and at what time
they arrived and for how long and what purpose.
Government officials can request this information on demand in the event
they need to urgently trace people who could have been infected by a
person having the virus.
Our system for children’s lessons will be for the teachers to record persons attendance. Any non class members ie: parents, accompanying adults, siblings that enter the building must text “in” to sandhams registration phone 07562 458146 via What’s App. Please put this contact number in your phone and make sure you have What’s App on your phone. Do not text to any other number as your presence in the building will not be recorded.
For Adult classes any person entering the building must text “in” and the first time attending their name via What’s App to - 07562458146 . When you leave text “out” to the same number.
3. Reducing the Numbers on Site.
To reduce risk we need to keep the numbers inside the building as low as possible.
- Pupils must leave the building as soon as possible after the end of a lesson to vacate the building for the next lesson which will be due10 minutes later.
- Please only enter the building 5 minutes before your lesson to give the staff time to clean the premises after the previous class have left.
- On arrival please go directly to the studio your lesson is being held in as it will be empty and have been cleaned.
4. Health and Safety
- Everyone must use the hand sanitiser from the wall dispenser on entry to and exit from the building. There will be additional dispensers and bottles distributed around the building.
- Wash or sanitise hands regularly
- Observe the social distancing recommendations
- If you feel unwell and have any symptoms of Covid-19 please do not enter the building
- If you develop symptoms of Covid-19 whilst in the building please advise a teacher and arrange to go home immediately. If you subsequently prove positive for the virus please advise us immediately.
- It is important that you don’t leave any personal items in the studio on your departure
5. Children’s Safety
- The changing room will be closed for the near future and so please attend the studio dressed for your lesson except for your dance shoes
- Please only bring water to lessons , no food or fizzy drinks. Any water bottles left after a class will be binned for safety reasons
- Strict social distancing will be in place at all lessons and all pupils must follow the teachers instructions with regard to social distancing and stand the designated positions on the floor.
- All floors will be marked to indicate the safe social distance to be maintained between dancers.
- No pupils will be allowed to dance with a partner or be asked to participate in group dances where contact is required
6. Adult Tuition Safety
- Adult classes will be staggered to give time to clean before the next lesson arrives
- Adults may dance in couples but only with a member of their household or regular partner. There will be no changing partners during classes or lessons.
- Teachers will keep a social distance of 2m from pupils.
- Music will be played at a volume to avoid the need to talk in a raised voice
- the nature of the dance. Booking and payment will be in advance only via the website.
- Private lessons will be conducted at a safe social distance.
7.Payment for Lessons and Classes
To avoid unnecessary contact and increase the risk of spreading the Covid -19 virus
- To avoid congestion at reception a system of advance payment will be in operation where possible. Details will be given in advance to each group of pupils.
- Depending on the class type, payment methods will be :
Contactless Card
In advance through the web site
Direct Debit
Bank Transfer
- No cash payments will be taken for private lessons unless it’s the correct amount , no change will be given.
- All private lessons should be paid at the start of a lesson with contactless debit or credit card. One adult may enter the building with a child having a private lesson, but must then exit the building and collect their child 5 minutes before the lesson ends.
8. Air Circulation
- It is policy to keep a good circulation of air through the studios in line with government recommendations. In the upstairs studios the windows will be open and fans placed on reverse to guide air upwards to gently refresh the air in the room
- The main downstairs room has a fresh air system drawing air from outside and expelling it on the opposite side of the building. This will be in operation during classes
- For security reasons and entry control the front and back doors will remain closed
9. Toilets.
The will be a maximum occupancy limit of one person in the gents toilet and two people in the upstairs Ladies toilets. A waiting point will be marked outside the toilets.
Any concerns or questions you have regarding our safety procedures please do not hesitate to contact Michael Sandham on Mobile : 07801 719717 or email
We feel that working together we can keep our pupils and staff safe and still maintain our high standards of tuition.
You can follow us on Facebook @sandhamsdancetuition or Instagram @sandhamsdance dance to keep up to date.
- The main downstairs room has a fresh air system drawing air from outside and expelling it on the opposite side of the building. This will be in operation during classes
- For security reasons and entry control the front and back doors will remain closed
9. Toilets.
The will be a maximum occupancy limit of one person in the gents toilet and two people in the upstairs Ladies toilets. A waiting point will be marked outside the toilets.
Any concerns or questions you have regarding our safety procedures please do not hesitate to contact Michael Sandham on Mobile : 07801 719717 or email
We feel that working together we can keep our pupils and staff safe and still maintain our high standards of tuition.
You can follow us on Facebook @sandhamsdancetuition or Instagram @sandhamsdance dance to keep up to date.
As the business rebuilds after lockdown and staff and teachers return to work Sandham’s Dance will ensure your safety by making premises “COVID” secure – unsafe workplace premises raise the risks of virus transmission
- Infection Prevention, Cleaning and Staff Safety
- cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not hands) when coughing or sneezing (Catch it — Bin it — Kill it put used tissues in the bin straight aways wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available) avoid close contact with people who are unwell
- clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- do not touch face, eyes, nose or mouth if hands are not clean.
Staff Safety
- Adjustments will be made to the workspace/rotas/work patterns/ procedures necessary to facilitate effective infection prevention and social distancing at work
- Staff must follow government health and travel advice
- Hand sanitiser will be supplied for staff. Sanitiser / soap will be placed around the building. Sanitiser dispenser placed at each entrance , each record deck and reception to have hand sanitiser, soap to be placed in the toilets and kitchen.
- If required infection control personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks should we worn for cleaning if necessary.
- Staff must partake in increase environmental cleaning in the workplace and comply with the cleaning procedure and schedules provided, there will be access to suitable detergents, disinfectants and cleaning materials.
- Waste removal facilities and more frequent rubbish collection - The waste bins must be checked at the conclusion of each class or lesson and emptied if more than 3/4 full. Bags must be tied and placed in the bins provided in the kitchen. The kitchen bins must be emptied into to outdoor container at the end of each day. Staff should take appropriate precautions when handling all waist products.
- Staff are not required to wear face coverings while teaching, but but we require face coverings to be worn to lesson the likelihood of virus transmission when in shared ares of the studio, greeting customers, reception and when cleaning.
- Teachers should only be in the building to teach or complete office work that cannot be done at home, staff will be expected to leave on completion of their work and cleaning duties reduce contact between staff members. There should be no use of office areas or other peoples desks. If working on reception the area must be cleaned before any other staff commence work.
2. Homeworking, Hot-Desking and Equipment Sharing
Staff working together in workplace premises inevitably raises the risk of virus transmission. Sharing record decks, the reception area, desks and the sharing of equipment presents hazards that raise the risk of virus transmission further.
Homeworking will be adopted within the business as the preferred method of work for admin wherever possible, and only staff who need to be in the studio i.e teachers when teaching, should attend workplace premises. Teachers should only be in the studio for teaching purposes and all other admin work completed at home if practicable.
The following working arrangements will be put into place to support admin staff home-working:
- If staff are working at home they must ensure the. security of information and data.
- We will help homeworkers to stay connected to the rest of the workforce as appropriate
be supported at this time
- Equipment should not be shared between staff – limit use of
high-touch equipment in the workplace, eg iPads, computers sound equipment, registers, pens, CD’s. If a member of staff has to share record equipment it must be wiped with anti bacterial wipes when leaving the equipment unattended.
3. Workplace Social Distancing
Effective social distancing is a key element in reducing the transmission of
COVID-19. Social distancing refers to people being required to maintain a distance from each other of 2 meters wherever possible. Social distancing effectively puts people at a safe range from anyone coughing. The main route of virus transmission is through droplets exhaled or coughed by an infected person.
Although the government guidelines are 1 metre+ it will be our policy to try to maintain 2 metre distance to give confidence to pupils, parents and other members of staff.
Staff and teachers are required to practice effective social distancing while in and around the workplace, while involved in work activities and when travelling to and from work, whenever possible, by:
- Avoiding non-essential contact with others
- Keeping a safe distance of at least 2 metres (about 3 steps) from others whenever possible
- Avoiding physical contact (eg hugs, handshakes, dancing with people, acro supporting etc)
Adaptations to the premises to support social distancing haver included :
- A marking of all work areas to identify suitable adaptations which will support social distancing
- Offices and work spaces are set up to support social distancing, e.g. layout changes, appropriate signage, stickers and floor markings to denote safe
distances, etc
- Workstations and desks to be arranged with separation between them
- There will be a maximum occupancy limit for offices of two people, one person in the gents toilet and two people in the upstairs Ladies toilets. Only one person should be on reception at any one time.
- Adaptations to processes to support social distancing will include:
- Cancelling non-essential meetings
- Holding essential meetings in well ventilated rooms with appropriate social distancing in place – limit numbers to essential members only and use phone/video conferencing, etc
- Replacing face-to- face meetings wherever possible with video conferencing, phone conferencing, etc
- Hand sanitiser will be provided at meetings
- Non- essential training and all face-to-face training will be limited to only where essential
- Any essential training/ recruitment by using email/online e-learning wherever possible rather than bringing people together face to face
Where social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, in relation to a particular activity Staff must advise Michael Sandham as soon as possible. He will carry out further risk assessments and consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate - where such activities need to continue appropriate mitigation methods should be put into place, such as:
- Increased hand washing
- Increased environmental cleaning
- Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible
- Reducingthenumber of people eachperson has contact withby using “fixed teamsor partnering” (soeach person workswith only a fewothers)
4. Vulnerable and Extremely Vulnerable Staff
If any staff member who falls into Venerable or Extremely Vulnerable category must advise Sandham’s Dance in writing so an individual assessment can be made to protect the member of staff from exposure to the Covid 19 virus.
Those who are classified by PHE as being at greater risk from COVID-19 include people in the vulnerable (moderate risk) and extremely vulnerable (high risk) categories
- Vulnerable (moderate risk) people include those who: are 70 or older
- are pregnant
- have a lung condition such as asthma, COPD, emphysema or bronchitis (not severe)
- have heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or liver disease (such as hepatitis)
- are taking medicine that can affect the immune system (such as low doses of steroids)
- are very obese
Extremely vulnerable (high risk) people include those who:
- have had an organ transplant
- are having chemotherapy for cancer, including immunotherapy
- are having an intense course of radiotherapy for lung cancer
- have a severe lung condition (such as severe asthma or severe COPD)
- are taking medicine
- that makes them much more likely to get infections (such as high doses of steroids)
- Have a serious heart condition and are pregnant
The following PHE advice applies:
- Those in the “high risk” (extremely vulnerable) category are subject to special “shielding” arrangements – they are advised to
self-isolate and not leave home for any reason for at least 12 weeks
- Those in the “moderate risk” (vulnerable) category are advised to stay at home as much as possible – they can go to work if they cannot work from home
- People in both categories are advised by the government to be particularly stringent in complying with social distancing requirements
Pregnant women are included in the “moderate risk” category as a precaution but are not considered by PHE to be more likely to get seriously ill from COVID-19 There is some evidence that people from ethnic minority backgrounds are hit harder by COVID-19
5. Staff Health and Staffing Levels
- Staff who are considered extremely vulnerable or high-risk will not be expected to attend for work in the workplace – where possible or appropriate they will be furloughed or supported to work from home
- Staff who are sick or self-isolating should phone immediately and inform Michael Sandham – on no account should they attend for work
- Staff may be reallocated from non- essential parts of the organisation to essential functions or may be subject to furlough arrangements
- We will consider temporary class closures or operational adjustments if staffing is reduced to unsafe levels
6. Premises Access
To maintain safe access to the building staff must enter through the front entrance on all occasions accept if they are the first occupant of the building and are the person who open up the premises.
All staff must leave by the rear entrance of the building.
7. Cases of Possible Infection on Site
People becoming unwell while on-site or a symptomatic person using a site poses a high risk of transmission.
If a member of staff becomes unwell in the workplace with coronavirus symptoms (a new, continuous cough or a high temperature) they will be sent home and advised to follow government advice to self-isolate , and seek covid test.
The following actions should be taken within the workplace:
All surfaces that a symptomatic person has come into contact with must be cleaned and disinfected, especially objects visibly contaminated with body fluids and all potentially contaminated high- contact areas such as toilets
- Public areas where a symptomatic individual has passed through and spent minimal time, such as corridors, but which are not visibly contaminated with body fluids, can be
cleaned thoroughly as normal
- Cleaning staff should use disposable cloths or paper roll and a combined detergent disinfectant solution and anti bacterial spray
- Whilst cleaning staff must wear appropriate PPE (minimum a face covering)
- Waste from cleaning of areas where possible cases have been (including disposable cloths and tissues) should be “double-bagged” and tied off; it should be placed securely in the downstairs store room for 72 hours before being disposed of in the general waste
8. The Running of Dance Classes
- As long as a class is still occupying a studio, no new people may enter
- When students arrive, they have to wash or sanitise their hands. If students have not washed their hands, the anti bacterial gel spray is available to be used before the class or lesson starts.
- Teachers must explain the spacing policy, any markings on the floor and the Covid safe procedure for classes and lessons to the students before classes/lessons begin.
- For private lessons two couples maximin to use studio 3. The room will be divided into two sections with a couple allocated to each section. The teacher furthest away from the music deck will use a bluetooth speaker connects to as phone or iPad to avoid walking up and down the studio to play the music. The maximum of one dancer and one teacher to use studio 2 & 4 for private lessons. Class numbers for all studios to be reviewed dependent on the regulations at the time of reopening.
- Please assign your students a place at a suitable distance , depending on the size and content of the group.
- During the first few weeks, at the start of each class / lesson, explain the safety system to the students, even if they are new or long standing students, do not forget this: (People forget).
- Remind pupils to take all their items with them at the end of a class. coats , bags shoes etc: The teacher must check the room at the end of a session and any items left must be bagged and the bag tied and placed in the changing room.
- All classes have to be a set non changeable groups. Pupils can’t
keep changing groups within a class.
- All classes must start and finish on time.
- There will be a minimum 10 minute changeover gap between lessons/classes.
- Before the next group enters, follow the cleaning checklist regarding
studio door handles outside and inside, used tables or surfaces, desk
by sound equipment, mirror and sign off on the list.
- Then let next class in with entry procedure.
- Each teacher will have their own clip board with a selection of checklists. The lists must be completed, dated and signed and left in a tray on reception at the end of their woking hours. To avoid cross contamination clip boards must not be shared.
- If a pupils needs to go to the toilet during a class, remind them of the restriction on numbers and the waiting procedure if the toilets are occupied.
- All pupils have been advised that changing rooms are closed and they need to come already changed apart from shoes.
- Couples may dance with each other if they are in a domestic relationship or are
dancing with their regular dance partner.
- Please remind all adult students to leave the bottles and glasses of their drinks at the bar.
- As before: no drinks or food maybe brought into the studio. Drinks are only from the bar.
- Each teacher is responsible for the safety of all students in their group and the observance of all hygiene rules during their lessons.
- If someone wants to dance with a mask, simply respect this, but please monitor the pupil for any breathing danger signs.
- Please do not touch pupils during the lessons. If you need to get closer to the student, avoid “hands on” and use explanation and demonstration.
- Please always fill in the register, as we need to keep track of those present and provide proof if there is a COVID infection; this also applies to any accompanying persons, so please also mark on the list. There will also be a What’s App registration process in operation for adults
- Where necessary (young children) each child may have only have one accompanying person in the building.
- As a back up to your registers, there is a universal one off check-in
for all parents, pupils and guests by Watts App. They should check in with their
name on their first visit the text “in” only via a WhatsApp number
- We need to keep a complete list of everyone who entered and stayed
in the premises during the last four weeks. Fines for non compliance are
- If a student shows signs of illness as follows, he/she must not attend
classes under any circumstances.
Signs to watch for are:
- Fever
- Cough
- Sniffles
- Sore throat
- Headaches
- Nausea/vomiting
- Abdominal pain
Adhere absolutely to the current regulation.
Remember, you are responsible for what happens in the studio during
your lessons and classes.
- Don't forget that at any time, a health inspector can come in, without an
appointment to spot check.
- For your own safety, please shower when you return home each day and wash clothes.
Air Circulation
- It is a requirement keep an adequate circulation of air in the building.
- To keep a good circulation on air through the studios in line with government recommendations. In the upstairs studios the windows should l be open and fans placed on reverse to guide air upwards to gently refresh the air in the room
- The main downstairs room has a fresh air system drawing air from outside and expelling it on the opposite side of the building. This must be in operation during all classes
- For security reasons and entry control the front and back doors will remain closed.
Together we can maintain your, other staff members and customer safety with a disciplined approach and make it a visit to Sandham’s Dance a comfortable experience for all.
8. Music
- It has been shown that moderately loud music encourages raising of voices which can potentially spread the Covid virus by the teacher and pupils.
- Teachers must avoid raising their voice and the music must be kept low at all times.